As wireless text messaging (SMS) has grown into a mainstream communication tool for consumers, reaching them via SMS marketing has become increasingly important strategy for businesses. Whether between two people planning to meet up or a broadcast message to thousands of users, more and more customers are becoming converts every day, and savvy marketers realize text messaging is a great way to quickly communicate with their audience.
However, thanks to surcharges and restriction imposed by the carriers, such campaigns are often difficult to justify economically and even more difficult to manage. This is especially true when trying to use short codes to allow people to sign up directly from their phones as well as more advanced text messaging features like polls and Call to Action campaigns.
SMS allows you take advantage of these mobile marketing strategies by:
Using a short code to generate subscription without having to pay a high monthly fee to own/maintain it
Enabling people to sign up to your mobile club directly from their cell phone as well as via Web forms.
No longer requiring subscribers to give you their carriers as this is automatically determined by the new mobileStorm SMS service.
Experiencing improved delivery and much more detailed reports about your SMS marketing campaigns.
Engaging in a 2-way interaction with your subscribers, such as asking them questions or prompting a call to action within the message.