Suppliers of Paint Raw Materials



     Founder & Emeritus President

(Founder & Emeritus President Dr.Pradip Desai)

After  15 years of globalization, liberalization & freeing of  economic forces, has brought about  several new opportunities on one hand & severe competition from Imports 7 domestic sources, on the other hand. The need of the hour is to take advantage of the HIGH-TECH communication for faster pace of business. Whereas Mobile/Cell phone has been a very handy tool not only in the hands of Manufacturers/Suppliers. Same is more useful to people on-the-move. It is not surprising that even the painters, small hawkers, workers & drivers are now making use of the convenience of mobile communication.


However, many of the family run organizations are still shying away from use of computers & internet Which are really powerful tools for better management even for small scale industries. The need was felt to bring about all the suppliers of paint raw materials who are operating from Within Gujarat or even other Indian  states . Thus, the idea of forming 

 GUJARAT  PAINT RAW MATERIALS SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION( GUJPRAMSA) was planted & became a reality for  the past 3 years. It was not an easy task, to bond together competitors fighting hard in the market place to be united under the umbrella of  `GUJPRAMSA’ but with co-operating from all the members seemingly impossible task has been achieved successfully. There are existing members who are being serviced for providing information's re. VAT ( VALUE ADDED TAX ) & such other matters of common  interest to members. I take this opportunity to invite those Manufacturers/Suppliers who have still not become members to become the members of `GUJPRAMSA’ & I am sure, this way they will be strengthening the very purpose for which the association is formed. LET US GIVE TO PAINT INDUSTRY BEST PRODUCTS, SERVICES &  CORDIAL BUSINESS RELATIONS where there is no `I’ but `WE’ spirit freely flowing. LET US CREATE A WORLD OF SUPPLIER/BUYER CORDIAL RELATIONS where doing business Is a shear pleasure without the bumps of businesses risks, heartburns & sour relationships.