Suppliers of Paint Raw Materials




From President’s Desk

It is a matter of pride for me as a President of GUJPRAMSA, after having served as founder Hon. Secretary & Vice-President for past.  

I am thankful to Founder & Emeritus President Dr.Pradip Desai & Immediate previous President Shri Rameshbhai Patel, for laying Solid Foundation for me to build Glorious GUJPRAMSA & carry forward healthy & sound Association Practices, keeping interest of Members & SME Paint units. Since long it was felt that GUJPRAMSA should invite Paint Manufacturers for a Technical Seminar. I am happy that the same took place on 25-9-2011 “Awareness of Paints Raw Materials“ attended by 250 DELEGATES from all over Gujarat MAKING IT ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL event. I take this opportunity to thank to the Seminar Chairman Dr. Pradip Desai, Convener Shri Rameshbhai Patel, souvenir convener Shri Alpeshbhai Joshi & all Executive Committee Members for their untiring efforts for bringing Advertisement for Souvenir published for the same.

 USA & Europe is passing through Recessionary trends. For smaller countries like Greece & Spain survival is the biggest issue. Several Industries in India & particularly Paint Industry is also passing through recessionary phase. Competition is increasing from Imports . However, I am confident that with Infrastructure & Housing Projects growth in Metro cities, this will be a temporary phenomena, the Paint Industry would bounce back to big growth.

I must focus on the need of Quality production of Paints by SME Units. Cheaper quality can bring some orders but for sustained Presence in the Market , Quality is the key factor to Success.

We have planned many programs during the year and I count upon co-operation of all members & paint Industry of Gujarat to make it successful.

As President of GUJPRAMSA, I have learnt a lot and experienced a lot. I have gained many new friends and strengthened my friendship with old friends. Who will give me an opportunity to come close and have goodwill even with competitors and yet protect mutual interest.

Rajubhai Shah

( President-GUJPRAMSA)