. . .
Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Machineries, Roll Compactor,Tablet Press,Tablet D Deduster,Rapid Mixer Granulator

Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Machineries,
Dies & Punches, and Replaceable Spares

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Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Manufacturer of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Manufacturer of Rotary Tableting Machine, SINGLE SIDED ROTARY TABLETING MACHINE cGMP, Exporter of Tableting Machinery, Manufacturer of Tableting Machinery, Exporter of Tableting Machineries India, Exporter of Tableting Machineries India , Tableting Machineries India Gujarat, Manufacturer and exporter of Tableting Machineries India Gujarat

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It is a square GMP model/single sided rotary tablet Press/ promising unmatched quality for small batch Production. Safety/enhanced performance/clean ability and ease of operation is its most significant features. The suitable model can be selected based on the tooling and output requirement from the 16, 20 & 12 station with “D”, “D” & “SPECIAL” tooling respectively. The 12 station model is available with “SPECIAL” tooling and tunnel type cam track having maximum tablet diameter of 40mm & maximum depth of fill of 30mm.



  • In compliance with cGMP guidelines
  • Turret of SG IRON 500/7 Graded Casting
  • Robust with high quality Engineering
  • Small batch production
  • Safe/ Simple to operate and easy to maintain
  • Higher Turret RPM upto 42
  • Main Moter AC Variable Frequency Drive (optional)
  • Force Feeder (optional)
  • Aluminum covers for Turret teeth



  • Hand wheel provided
  • Turret of SG IRON 500/7 Graded Casting
    Main Operating Pressure up to 10 Tons (For 12 Station - Up to 12 Tons)
  • Sturdy and easy fit Feed Frame (Gravity Feeder) of Gun Metal
  • Central oil lubrication system with manual hand pump
  • Cam tracks and pressure rolls made out of alloy steel for maximum wear resistance and long life
  • Worm is made of Phosphor Bronze
  • Ease of operation and maintenance
  • Maximum 30 RPM of Turret
  • Variable speed pulley drive (For 12 Station Fixed Pulley with Two different speeds)
  • Mechanical Overload Pressure release arrangement



Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine India, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Gujarat, Manufacturer of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Manufacturer and exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine in India, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine India, Pharmaceutical Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Manufacturer in india, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine machineries in india, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Pharma Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Pharma Machinery


Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Manufacturer of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Manufacturer of Rotary Tableting Machine, SINGLE SIDED ROTARY TABLETING MACHINE cGMP, Exporter of Tableting Machinery, Manufacturer of Tableting Machinery, Exporter of Tableting Machineries India, Exporter of Tableting Machineries India , Tableting Machineries India Gujarat, Manufacturer and exporter of Tableting Machineries India Gujarat


Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine India, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Gujarat, Manufacturer of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Manufacturer and exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine in India, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine India, Pharmaceutical Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Manufacturer in india, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine machineries in india, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Pharma Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Pharma Machinery


Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine India, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Gujarat, Manufacturer of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Manufacturer and exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine in India, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine India, Pharmaceutical Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Manufacturer in india, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine machineries in india, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Pharma Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Pharma Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Manufacturer of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Exporter of Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machineries, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine Machinery, Singe Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Manufacturer of Rotary Tableting Machine, SINGLE SIDED ROTARY TABLETING MACHINE cGMP, Exporter of Tableting Machinery, Manufacturer of Tableting Machinery, Exporter of Tableting Machineries India, Exporter of Tableting Machineries India , Tableting Machineries India Gujarat, Manufacturer and exporter of Tableting Machineries India Gujarat



Technical Specifications:  cGMP

Model SMD-16 SMD-20 SM - 3H - 12
No. of Station 16 20 12
Maximum Operating Pressure 10 Tons 10 Tons 12 Tons
Maximum Tablet Diameter 23 mm (25 mm on Demand) 23 mm (25 mm on Demand) 40 mm
Maximum Depth of fill 20 mm 20 mm 30 mm
Output Tablets /Hour * 14400 to 40320 18000 to 50400 10800 & 15840
Electric Motor 2 Hp / 960 RPM 2 Hp / 960 RPM 5 Hp / 1440 RPM

Technical Specifications:  Standard

Model SD -16 SD - 20 S3SH - 12 Bolus
Tooling D D Special
No. of Station 16 20 12
Maximum Operating Pressure 10 Tons 10 Tons 12 Tons
Maximum Tablet Diameter 23 mm (25 mm on Demand) 23 mm (25 mm on Demand) 40 mm
Maximum Depth of fill 20 mm 20 mm 30 mm
Output Tablets /Hour * 14400 to 28800 18000 to 36000 10800 & 15840
Electric Motor 2 Hp / 960 RPM 2 Hp / 960 RPM 5 Hp / 1440 RPM
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