The machine is mounted on Stainless Steel 304 structure. It consists of 6” wide endless belt at the centre. The belt is driven by 0.5 HP AC motor controlled through AC Variable Frequency Drive. Stainless Steel Hopper is provided from which tablets fall on a magnetic vibrator, which removes chips & dust from the tablets. Two Inspection Lamps and Two Foot Switches for two operators are provided to stop the conveyor when needed. The machine is designed for manual visual inspection of tablets from both the sides. About 7 to 8 Lac (0.7 to 0.8 million) tablets per shift can be inspected depending upon tablet size & operator skill. The output always depends upon tablet size and operator skill.
Salient Features
Inspection on both sides of Tablet.
As per cGMP Standard.
Reversible of Tablet.
Foot switch provided on both side for stopping the machine.
Vibration provided for removing of Dust.
The unit is mounted on caster wheel.
0.5 HP AC motor controlled through AC Variable Frequency Drive